Divorce Lawyers

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Divorce Lawyers

Our Thumb area Divorce Lawyers know that divorce brings up a lot of uncertainties and questions about what your life is going to be like post-divorce. We strive to reduce your stress by developing a clear plan of action, so you know what to expect during every step of the divorce process, and beyond.

Whether you are dealing with a high-asset, business owner divorce, or are ready to get out of a no longer positive home situation, our experts are here for you. Ferris, Schwedler, & O’Mara will assist with asset distribution, child custody arrangements, and long-term planning so you can get the best possible resolution for your case. Our attorneys know when to be compassionate, and when to be aggressive.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is the easiest way to get a divorce.   When spouses agree to all the terms of a divorce they can file an “uncontested divorce”.   An uncontested divorce is the quickest, easiest an most cost effective way to get divorced in Michigan.   A few documents (called a joint petition) are drafted.  Both spouses sign and the documents are filed with the court for final approval.


Building a strong, healthy relationship with your children is crucial to their long-term mental health and development. Studies repeatedly show that children who have two loving parents, even if those parents live in separate households, are better prepared for success in life than those without a loving support network.

At Ferris, Schwedler, & O’Mara, our family attorneys fight for your right to have your fair share of time with your child.

Child Support

Child support is monetary support paid by a parent to assist with the upbringing and expenses related to their child. When two parents are married, it is assumed that both parents are contributing to the support of their children.

However, when parents are unmarried or divorced, child support may be calculated to ensure that the child’s needs continue to be met long-term. Based on your unique situation, you may be eligible to receive support payments for your child or may be ordered to pay them.

Our dedicated and experienced Thumb area child support lawyers can assist you with understanding what your child support obligation may be, or what you can expect to receive.

Case Consultation

Whether you need assistance with a divorce or help with understanding your child support obligation or are looking for modification or enforcement of existing child support orders, we are here for you. Our attorneys take your case personally. Call Today for a case evaluation.

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